Central PA Physicians


Getting to the Heart of the matter

A majority of lower extremity wounds occur due to underlying vascular disease. At CPPG we use a holistic interdisciplinary approach to healing lower extremity wounds as efficiently as possible. 

Thorough testing and clinical evaluation including vascular ultrasound, nutritional assessment, radiographic studies, and detailed medical assessment are performed. This is followed by intensive local wound care with multiple advanced techniques and modalities.

Several chronic wounds have mixed etiologies complicating healing. Most commonly, diabetes, Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD), and venous insufficiency. Patients with PAD and lower extremity wounds are at higher risk for cardiovascular death,

( >20% within a year) therefore, thorough cardiac evaluation and aggressive medical management usually follow. 

Gerald Gronborg, DPM, FACFAS

Dr. Jacob Carmichael, DPM, FACFAS

Wound Healing Education 


Common Types of Wounds

Venous Insufficiency Ulcerations

Blood can reach the extremity but is unable to effectively return to the heart. Veins contain valves that direct the one-way blood flow- the insufficient valves prevent the backflow of blood. If the cause of the wound is venous insufficiency a LASER ablation procedure of the superficial vein is the treatment. Sometimes, placing a stent in the iliac veins is needed if venous compression syndrome is found to be the cause.

Arterial Insufficiency Ulcerations

Insufficient arterial flow to an extremity. “Hardening of the arteries” or any other condition that limits blood flow to the extremities (PAD). If vascular testing reveals significant arterial disease (Blockage) a procedure to open the occluded artery will likely follow.

Diabetic/Neuropathic Ulcerations

Etiologies can be multifactorial. Diabetes with prolonged periods of hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) can contribute to excessive callous build-up, diminished or absent sensation to pain, temperature, and position, reduced or absent sweating can contribute to these type of ulcerations of the foot. A combination of these over time can contribute to severe breakdown of joints in the foot and ankle known as Charcot joints. These can occur gradually or suddenly and can be complicated by poor blood flow, non- adherence with diabetes and nutrition management. Other types of Wounds that can lead to chronic non-healing are those Trauma and Surgical Complications; such as incision dehiscence or breaking down of the tissue due to local infection, poor blood flow or improper post-operative adherence to care.


Advanced Dressings

Skin Substitutes

Common Problems

  • Bunions

  • Heel Spurs

  • Ingrown Toenails

  • Warts

  • Hammertoes

  • Plantar Fasciitis

  • Foot/Ankle Sprains

  • Tendonitis

  • Fractures

  • Warts

  • Skin conditions of LE, HT and Bunion together


  • Foot Orthotics

  • Laser Treatments

  • Surgical Reconstruction

  • Medical

  • Therapy

When to Seek Evaluation

  • Enlarged swollen joints

  • Frequent foot or calf cramping

  • Constant cold feet 

  • Clubbing toenails 

  • Red swollen digits or foot/ankle 

  • Loss of hair on feet or lower legs,

  • dry, flakey skin on feet

  • painful walking,

  • injury greater than 72 hours

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